Tuesday, December 15, 2009

让您感觉美好的ntv7,履行一年一度的“超级任务”,今年再次与主要赞助商Sport Toto荣誉呈献,年度城内最炙热、最震撼的倒数盛会——《十分红演唱会 2009》!今年《十分红演唱会 2009》以“红色是我们的动感代号”为主题,我们呼吁观众们身穿红色衣饰,出席当晚的演唱会与我们同欢。举办《十分红演唱会 2009》的目的,主要是为了答谢多年来一直陪伴着ntv7茁壮成长的忠实电视观众们,与此同时,ntv7也希望能不断为观众引进及制作更多优秀的娱乐节目,可以为观众们带来如此水准级的免费演唱会,是ntv7对观众们的承诺及回馈。长达3小时的不间断拉阔演唱,于2009年12月19日,晚上8点30分,在武吉加里尔国家国家体育馆停车场A (室外) ,火“红”引爆!

音乐无分国籍,今次《十分红演唱会 2009》再次请来了中、港、台以及本地中文乐坛的优秀歌手,今年受邀来马献唱的歌手,有包括来自台湾的亚洲天王任贤齐及优质天后许茹芸,还有来自香港的百变天后陈慧琳、新生代歌手方力申及邓颖芝,此外,有近期人气急升来自中国的刘力扬,当然少不了有本地歌手如:林健辉、王明丽、Kay郭小溦、罗忆诗及Suki刘纾妤,12位海内外的重量级歌手阵容,一一为歌迷呈献一首接一首的悦曲好歌!

It’s that time of the year again! The Home of Feel Good is set to hold the most anticipated star-studded year-end party, the Star Live Concert 2009 on Saturday, 19th December 2009, from 8:30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. at Bukit Jalil Stadium Carpark A. Broadcast live over the channel, this concert is set to bring the roof down with riveting performances by 12 local and international Chinese artistes. Held in appreciation of ntv7’s loyal viewers and to celebrate the year end this concert is free of charge. This year’s colour theme is red and concert goers are encouraged to join the celebration wearing red. Sports Toto remains a strong supporter of the Star Live concert for the third time around. Their help and support as the Main Sponsor will enable ntv7 to make this concert a memorable one for all. The Official Radio Station is 988 FM and the Concert Management is Galaxy.

This third annual year end concert organized by the station will usher in the new year, boasting one of the biggest artiste line-up of the year. Audiences will be thrilled to know that among the stars to perform that night include top Taiwanese artistes Richie Ren and Valen Tsu, Hong Kong stars Kelly Chen, Alex Fong and Vangie Teng, and Chinese artiste Liu Li Yang. On the local front, we have Eric Lim, Suki of One In A Million fame, Yise Loh, Shi Xin Hui, Wang Meng Li and Kay. All twelve artiste`s are slated to provide non-stop powerhouse performances throughout the three hour concert.
posted by ♥ Mikeru Wei ♥ at 7:29 PM |


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