Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Scandal is a band from Japan, This band was play pop/rock genre music. Their images more to girls school looks, wearing Japanese High School Uniform. 

To me, this band is more to genre pop punk version of zone, one of the famous japanese pop rock girls band.  Scandal is rock in the teenagers lifestyle, their also have few copy single album. Anything information you can click in to their myspace.

Scandal is a indie band in Japan. Can say  a brand new pop rock band invasion to the teenagers school lifestyle.

All About Them :-
In August 2006, a brand new rock band "SCANDAL" was formed by four high school girls in Osaka, Japan. They started musical activity with their fearless personality and aggressive rock sound.

Every weekend since, SCANDAL has been very actively performing at SHIROTEN, a sacred place for street live performance at Osaka Castle Park in Osaka, Japan. Eventually, more than one hundred fans constantly appeared for every single live performance of SCANDAL on street and live house.

In March 2008, SCANDAL was invited to ‘Sakura-Con’, a Japanese culture festival in Seattle and went on to US tour, drawing over 7,000 people. In July they joined ‘Japan Expo’in France, ‘ACGHK’in Hong Kong, performed at each venue and drew 18,000 audience.

In the meantime, 3 indies single CDs were released every month in consecutive 3 months exclusively through Tower Records. 1st single “Space Ranger” was charted 2, and 2nd single “Koimoyou” and 3rd single “Kagerou” were charted 1.

In August 8th, indies mini album “YAH!YAH!YAH! HELLO SCANDAL” was released, and charted 2 on J-POP chart by Tower Records. In October, major debut single “DOLL” was released and totally 40 FM &AM radio stations and CS TV channels picked it up on rotation list. In June 2009, 3rd single “Shojo S” was released and charted 6 on weekly ORICON chart and 5 on full weekly chart by true tone service ‘Chaku-Uta’.

SCANDAL is currently one of the most passionate girl rock bands with a lot of attention.

プロフィール 】

2006年8月、大阪のボーカル&ダンススクールで出会った女子高生4人で結成。荒削りでアグレッシヴなバンドサウンドと、怖いもの知らずに突き 抜けるポップなキャラクターをそのままにバンド活動をスタート。結成後間もなく、大阪城公園にある通称「城天(シロテン)」でストリートライブを始め、地 元関西のライブハウスにも出演するようになる。

08年3月、米シアトルで行われたJapan カルチャーFes.「Sakura-Con」に招待され、全米6大都市ツアー敢行を合わせて7千人を越える動員を記録。7月にはフランス「Japan Expo」に1万人、8月に香港のアニコミFes.参加で8千人の前でライブを行い世界音楽大国を股に掛けて注目を浴びる。

そして2008年TOWERレコード限定インディーズシングルが3月から3ヶ月連続でリリース。第1弾「スペースレンジャー」はTOWERインディーズ チャート2位。第2弾「恋模様」、第3弾「カゲロウ」がTOWERインディーズチャート連続1位獲得。08年8月8日、インディーズミニアルバム 『YAH!YAH!YAH! HELLO SCANDAL』を発売。TOWERレコードJ-POPアルバムチャートで第2位にランクインという快挙を成し遂げる。


Click Here :-

Scandal Official Myspace 
Scandal Website 

posted by ♥ Mikeru Wei ♥ at 3:44 AM |


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